Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to Build an Army of Unicorns! (Unicorn Breeding Guide)

The Business 

This Business can be either be totally easy or frustrating and hard. Starting can be the same way. You have to ease your way into it a little at a time. It can also be expensive. 

Getting started

Now I am going to walk you through the Dos and Don'ts to starting unicorn breeding.

1. DO buy a Female to get started
2. DONT try to buy a whole bunch. Just a waste of money. 
3. DO choose a time when you are available to breed
4. DONT choose the time of the moment you bought the horse. You'll just have to wait another 30 days to change it. 
5. DO BULP before breeding. Don't rush it. 
6. DONT breed the moment you get the unicorn. You'll just rush it too fast
7. DO breed with a higher GP unicorn
8. DONT breed with a less than 100+ BULP

Now for the Fun Part

Now it's time to build your army! Now the trick to breeding multiple unicorns at the same time under the right conditions is preparation. You'll need to open a bunch of tabs (on phone or computer) and go to each of the horses home pages. So each horse has it's own tab. Then for each tab go to the breeding section and go to the breeding page and chose a Horse to cover your unicorn. Then when your time hits you just go through the tabs pressing the "cover" button and voila!  The only thing is that after you press cover you exit out of the tab and into the other tabs.

I wish all of you great success with your unicorn breeding!


*Mentor Project: NEW!

The Mentor Project

The Mentor Project is something I am doing that allows newbies on Howrse to have the full experience. I got a random young player and told them I was going to help them. Not in just advice. I asked "Do you want a Divine? Passes? Money?" she obviously said yes. So I am Dedicating my time to help this player build her Equestrian Center, Do Promotions and earn all the passes she could need. I offered to lend her passes but she has to work with me to get them.


I am currently going to work with her through the Big Challenge promotion to get her what she needs. Everyone knows that there is always a divine involved in all the promotions and I am going to try to get her there. 

Breeding Biz

I am working with her breeding group for unicorns to get her on track and make her some big bucks. I will be offering my help as well as my advice when it comes to breeding, managing, hiring, buying spending. 

Skyrocket Your General Ranking!

General Ranking

This ranking is the overall ranking of YOU. Everything you do counts toward your ranking. Yes, even popularity, Equestrian Center, Number of horses, You name it! Some people don't even know where to start because their rankings so low. Well it can actually change pretty fast. It doesn't even take up much time. I will tell you what I have focused on while on Howrse and has gotten me in top 1000.

#1 Skills pay the Bills!

Skills of your horses are about 50% of the general ranking. You don't need to skill a whole bunch of horses yourself. it doesn't even need to be bred by you! all you need to do is one step...
Buy a skiller every day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Well in this case it's a horse so.... Anyways, Just buying the cheapest horse that is 1000+ skills every day will boost your rankings a lot. They are usually 10,000e each. Sometimes they go for even less. 

#2 Keep your Center in Check!

Your equestrian center does not need to be perfect. It just needs to have the following things;
  • clean meadows
  • clean boxes
  • average competitions
  • grooms
These goals are not hard. Just hire people!

#3 Age is NOT Just a Number!

Believe it or not, your seniority counts. It shows how active you are. It is not very hard to complete this goal either. 

#4 (optional) Popularity!!

This goal can give your ranking a little nudge but not much. You can become more popular by congratulating someone random, then congratulate someone who congratulated that random person, then congratulate someone who congratulated that person, you get the picture. this will boost your popularity and give your ranking the push it needs.

Have fun and remember to shoot for the top!


Friday, April 25, 2014

Start Earning the Big Bucks NOW!

So You Wanna Earn Some Big Dough, Eh?

Well it can be easy! Anyone can do it, even Newbies! There are many ways to earn your living on Howrse. Its rather exciting if you ask me. 


Now! before we start, Welcome Newbies! I love getting new Howrse members. They are so much fun to talk too! Well anyway some feel like they won't get anywhere anyway because of all the advanced player. Pfft, you can beat them! Just wait, because when I am done with you, you'll be the top of the class. 

Now for the Fun Stuff!


Yeah I know, Duh. Well in order to be successful doing this you need to play it smart. You will need some patience while doing this. You will need to BULP and buy and sell and all of the above! Now I will take you through the steps.

1. Buy the highest Genetic Potential FEMALE horse you can afford. 
2. BULP if it hasn't been already (add Ploutos' parchment if you have it)
3. After she has been BULPed breed her. choose the highest Genetic potential horse you can afford in the coverings (make sure he has +100 BULP)
4. Have foal and follow Skilling Guide
5. Repeat as necessary

After that, you sell the Colts and keep the fillies. 


Unicorns will never lose their value. Selling the foals is great and will get you passes. It can be expensive to get started though. Let me walk you through.

1. Buy a female unicorn for a pass (to get passes visit Pass Guide)
2. Pick a breeding time that fits your schedule
3. Breed unicorn until you get a baby unicorn.
4. Keep a boy and a girl
5. Once you have bred a boy you start Skilling him for coverings (Skillers Guide)
6. After you keep the girls for breeding and sell boys for 1-2 passes each

This can be expensive but it is a lot of fun to have unicorns around.

Grand Prix!

This one you need a special ticket from the Horn of Plenty. It gives you 1000 Equus  per horse for participating with 4 horses every day. If you get the bonuses for the Prix you can enter up to 8 Horses and even get 2000 Equus per horse. Everyone is a winner in the Prix if you ask me.

Proven Methods

I use these methods myself and I really do hope they work for you guys. In the past month I've earned 20 passes. It really requires that you work hard and are honest. 

                                                         (Yes that is my screenshot)

These are the ways I use and are effective for me. Please tell me how they worked for you,


Passes, Passes and more Passes. How to get 'em!

Ugh! You want more?!

It seems like everything on the game is relying on passes these days. It seems like if you don't have passes, you don't have a chance. Well that changes today! I am going to share some tricks with you guys that will help you get passes without spending real life money! 

The Pass Horse

Now many of you know what a pass horse is but for those of you who don't, let me tell you. A pass horse is a horse over 30 years old who gives you 1 pass when it dies. You just need to let it die NATURALLY. Don't send it to safe heaven by yourself, let its energy run down when it is 31 (just to be safe) and let it go to heaven. You can do this to 10 horses in a month, after that you have a chance of getting a pass. 

Going once, going twice.... SOLD!

Sales! who doesn't love sales? Sales are the best way to earn passes. People will only buy horses that are worth it though. One thing you can do is sell a high Genetic Potential horse. 


Yes these promotions can get you a lot of sweet stuff, but don't rely on just promos, they can drain you.

30 Day Allowance

Every 30 days after your 50th day on howrse, you can credit 1 pass to your account. Yes it is a long wait. But it's better than nothing, right?

Magic Croesus!

Now this IS a divine horse, but you don't need to buy it. Just name your horse " Junior Croesus " (no quotation marks) and wait it out! Every month a Junior Croesus turns into a Croesus! Croesus gives you passes on every 13th. If the 13th is on a Friday you get 2 passes! 

Best Way... Zeevex!

The best way to get a lot of passes is buying them. BUT if you have a holiday coming up you can ask your parents for Zeevex Cards! Zeevex cards are EVERYWHERE. They are cards with promo codes that can be used to buy virtual money like passes! Just ask for a bunch of those and you've struck rich! 

Just think of these ways of getting passes as challenges,

Divine Rewards! Which one Would You Want?

Passes, Equus and More, Oh MY!

Now I don't know about you but When I finally buy passes and want to spend it, I look through my options. I usually would want a divine, wouldn't you? I always look at if its worth it or not when it comes to buying the divines or spending passes on the Promo to get the divine. So here are ALL the divines and what they can offer you!



They look pretty cool I have to admit it, But they give you nothing. Sure they can be sold and have cool colors but they are useless now. They used to be able to run away to a new owner if you didn't take care of it but they took that option away so now it is able to be sold. So It can earn you some cash if you sell It but no long term gains.


Xanthos can be helpful, but not to you. Xanthos allows players to have a chance to win a Horn Of Plenty. He does have a lot of skills but could be sold and earn you a few passes. 


This divine is the jackpot. He gives you passes every month. Even if you aren't his owner he gives you treasure. He can be acquired by just logging in with a horse named " Junior Croesus ". He is a very good Divine to have. 



This divine has many uses. He breeds with other divines to get more divines and he is the king of the competitions. He can gain Equus through competitions. He is useful to keep around.


This mare can reproduce with Snow to give birth to the Prize stallion Ocean. Her skills vary from day to day so that she is good in different competitions. 


The ultimate competition machine! Oceans skills are outstanding and has the potential of being an expert in every field! 


Can be given for free. She offers Hypos blanket to people who stroke her. Her foal is priceless! She is an amazing divine to keep. She offers a lot for a horse you get for free.


Snowflake is the son of Ocean and Frost. He get stronger the colder it gets. He can reach outrageous skill points and is a handsome colt. Best competition Divine you could have.

General Groupings


Greyfells go under the category of ice. They do not offer a lot. The females can breed once and when they die they give you 2 diamonds and some money. That is not a lot for a divine that demands that you keep it alive. and if you collect them all you get a Sleipnir. So they are pretty useless.


She is an OK divine but you can't do much with her besides breed her and get another divine. Her son can be useful though because his skills change. 


His skills change like snowflake's skills but not as drastically. He isn't bad to keep around. 


Depending on the gemstone horse, they can be sort of useful. Some just give you diamonds, some make other gemstone horses and some give you UFO's. They are alright but they are mostly collectibles.


Winds I find not very useful. yes they generate a "Big" storm and give you gifts but that's it. The gifts aren't as big as they claim to be. Some diamonds, money and a few small BMI's. And over how long? 3100 years or so? I don't know but it doesn't seem worth my while. 

Solar System Horses

These horses I find the most enjoyable. You can ride through solar systems and collect all the planets, Even Pluto! They give you a lot of rewards if its a male (Don't forget the coverings they give) and the females make more Planets!



These horses I don't get. Sometimes they give you bonuses. You have a 1 out of 100 chance of getting a bonus? I honestly don't bother with these divines. They don't really serve a purpose. The bonuses aren't that big either. 


This horse is very useful. Can cover ANY unicorn. If it is a unicorn, you get a big bonus! Perfect! He can't do public coverings (Yet) but you can get some passes for those unicorn offspring!


He is a fine looking rainbow horse, I have to admit. He does serve a purpose in the parade contest that comes around. It is a good advantage if you want to win something good for once!


He is a fun horse to work with. He can gain a good amount of skills if you work at him. He can be sold too. 


This one is ok. He gives you a little something every now and then and hes a good thing to keep around.


this divine is a must have. He gives you Top Notch tack so that you can compete with major bonuses. 

Have fun!

How to Get FREE Divines! (No scam just fact)


Sadly Ow loves to sell them for passes and in Promotions. But that's part of the game, Right? Sadly yes. BUT there are some generous divines that you need NO PASSES to get! I will list some for you...


Cascade is an awfully generous horse. She is given to a player EVERY MONTH. She is given to players that have logged on 20 days before the previous month! She also can be bred too!


Geyser is the son of cascade! so if you get cascade you can breed her for another free divine!


Frost is like Cascade. She is given to a player every month. But, only to the players that have defrosted a Frost the previous moth. Which isn't very hard. Also like Cascade, She can breed!


This little fella is the son of Frost. He is a great advantage if you win him because the colder it is, the stronger he gets! If you are new it is a great boost so your not overpowered by older players. All you need to do is log on every day and make sure you stroke a frost! 


Now this one is also free. You just name one of your normal horses " Junior Croesus " and once every month a horse named Junior Croesus is turned into a Croesus! you just need to log on and take care of it. You can also buy him but that defeats the point of this list. 


this one will be easier to get if you are an experienced player and will be very difficult for new players. Arion is given to the player who won the most rosettes that month. 


Usually in every promotion on howrse there is a chance to get a divine. This is all up to the Promotion.

1. Lotteries are the best because you have the same chance as everyone else at getting a divine.

2. Scratch cards are (in my opinion) the best promo. It is so much fun to scratch the card to see what you get. My friend once got a Mars Solar Divine one morning when she logged in!

Good luck on the hunt for Divines! Tell me what you get,

Skilling Method


Skilling is something that not all new players know how to do. Heck! Some old player don't even know how to do it! Skilling can be expensive and for good reason. But there is a traditional and non traditional. This is my training method and it has gotten me to the 3900+ range. 


Note: If you want to skill without BMI's you can. They just make it easier.

Morpheus Arms
Possion's Pack
Philote's Stroke
Water of Youth

There are many other BMI's you can use but I don'y like buying a bunch of Black market Items (BMI's). Thesse are the ones that I use for Skilling and get as much skills as anyone else with more BMI's. 


1. Foal Games
These are vital to a horses skills. You would be surprised how much 60 skill points can do. If you don't know how to do foal games you can check out my 2014 Foal Games Topic.

2. BULPing
BULPing will skill your top 3 skills to the max. It takes a bit but it helps a lot. Visit my BULPing Topic if you want to know the method.

3. Training
If you have done the previous step then you will only need to train in 3 other skills. 

4. Rides
Get all the Skill points possible in the rides

5. Competitions
Get all possible Skill points from all the competitions

I hope this will work for you! Tell me what you think! Happy howrsing everyone,

BULP Info and 'How to...'


What is it?

BULP: Best Unbiased Linear Prediction

BULP plays a big role in breeding. It determines how much genetic potential from the Dam or Sire that gets passed to their foal. Foals are born with -100 BULP and over time achieve +100 BULP. 

How do you BULP?

It's easy! Well most of it is. You need to have...

Won 20 competitions - 200 BULP points
Reach age 10- 40 BULP points
And bold the 3 best genetic skills- 130 BULP points


Building is when you gain the maximum amount of skill. If you bold in dressage that means you have gained the maximum amount of skills in dressage. That does not mean just training. You must gain all training skills, skills that come from rides AND from participating in competitions.

Top 3 Skills

The too 3 skills are not the highest skills you have at birth. 3 too skills are genetic. Under genetic potential you will find genetic potentials of each skill. Find the top 3 and train in those skills. 

Bulping Method

1. Rides
You will want to do these as soon as you are able to. You will want to do the rides that help your bulping and each breed has different needs. Before you start you will have to find the ride for your horse. 

Short rides: 30min- 1 hour
Long rides: 1 hour 30 minutes and over

Horse rides:
Appaloosa: Short Gallop
Arabian: Long Steep Slopes
Barb: Long Steep Slope
Brumby: Short Gallop
Canadian Horse: Long Steep Slope
Friesian: Long Trotting
Hackney: Long Trotting
Hanoverian: Short Steep Slope
Irish Hunter: Long Galloping
Marwari: Long Galloping
Morgan: Long Steep Slope
Mustang: Short Gallop
Paint: Short Gallop
Peruvian Paso: Long Trotting
Quarter Horse: Short Gallop
Russian Don Horse: Long Steep Slope
Standardbred: short Trotting
Thoroughbred: Short Gallop

Pony Rides
Australian Pony: Short Steep Slope
Chincoteague Pony: Short Gallop
Connemara: Long Steep Slope
Fjord: Long Steep Slope
Newfoundland Pony: Short Steep Slope
Quarter Pony: Long Gallop
Shetland: Long Steep Slope
Welsh: Short Galloping
Highland Pony: Short Steep Slope

And don't forget...

Donkey: Long Steep Slope


You must use the 3 best skills once again. You need to train in all three. You've already got skills from the rides and now we need to do the core training to bold. If you are confused on which you need to train in just look at the list bellow and find your desired breed. 

Appaloosa : Speed, dressage, gallop
Arabian : Stamina, dressage, jumping
Barb : Stamina, speed, dressage
Brumby : Speed, stamina, gallop
Canadian horse : Stamina, dressage, jumping
Friesian : Dressage, stamina, trotting
Hackney : Trotting, stamina, dressage
Hanoverian : Jumping, gallop, speed
Irish Hunter : Dressage, stamina, gallop
Marwari : Gallop, dressage, stamina
Morgan : Dressage, jumping, stamina
Mustang : Speed, gallop, stamina
Paint : Speed, gallop, dressage
Peruvian Paso : Trotting, stamina, speed
Purebred Spanish Horse : Speed, dressage, gallop
Quarter Horse : Dressage, speed, gallop
Russian Don Horse : Stamina, jumping, dressage
Standardbred : Trotting, stamina, speed
Thoroughbred : Speed, gallop, dressage

Austrailian Pony: Dressage, Speed, Stamina
Chincoteague Pony : Speed, gallop, dressage
Connemara : Stamina, dressage, jumping
Fjord : Stamina, speed, dressage
Newfoundland Pony : Jumping, speed, gallop
Quarter Pony : Stamina, speed, dressage
Shetland : Jumping, Stamina, Speed
Welsh : Gallop, Speed, Dressage


Donkey: Stamina, Jumping, Dressage


After training you will need to do competitions to top off the bolding. Do the competitions that require the skills you are bolding. Do those competitions until they give you no more skills and then you're bolded! now after all that you may have a few wins under your belt as a bonus and now you just need to win a total of 20 wins! then you are done! 

I hope you all have a ton of fun! I would recomend some Morpheus arms if you want to BULP fast,

Calculating IBS

Calculating Inborn Skills (IBS)

What are Inborn Skills?

Inborn skills (IBS) are the amount of skills a newborn foal is born with. 


If parents had 100 BULP 

(Genetic Potential of Father + Genetic Potential of Mother) x .1 (100 BULP)= IBS (.4 margin of error)

Less than 100 BULP

(Genetic Potential of Father + Genetic Potential of Mother) x (*)

(* if the Genetic Potential is 90 than you multiply by .90. If the genetic potential is 80 multiply by .80 and so on. )

Aphrodite's Tears

(Genetic Potential of Father + Genetic Potential of Mother) x .1 (100 BULP) x 1.5

I hope this has helped you and have fun breeding better foals,

How to Skill Your Solar System Divine (6 skill points)

Before We Start

Now before we begin it is Vital to be boarded in an Equestrian Center with good meadows and lots of carrots. You will also need a good supply of turnips. The only Black Market Item you will need is a Philotes' Stroke. 

Now for the Good Stuff!

Note: the *Planet Rides will be a general name for the rides that gain skills for the Solar System Divines. (Supernova, Milky Way, ect.)

Repeat this procedure every day

1. 2 Hour planet ride

2. Groom, Carrot, Water

3. Feed required amount with 7.2 oats and an energy mash (depending on planet, use as needed)

4. 3 Hour planet ride

5. Turnip and double stroke

6. 1 Hour Planet Ride

Now you can add the 6 skills you have gotten (depending on your planet horse) to any of the skills you desire.

Have fun with your Horses,